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3 Things to Consider when Choosing the Correct Fleet Vehicle


3 Things to Consider when Choosing the Correct Fleet Vehicle

Choosing a new vehicle for a corporate fleet can be a very difficult task for many managers. There are many factors to take into consideration and a great deal of research must be carried out. Whether you decide to purchase a Subaru fleet of vehicles or a different make altogether it’s important to get it right. Here are three things that you may wish to consider to help you make the best decision to service your fleet requirements.

1. Don’t Be Emotional When Choosing

Many managers make this mistake and it is an extremely easy trap to fall into. As is the case for drivers, in general, it’s very easy to have your favourite makes and models. This could be due to familiarity, a sense of patriotic pride and emotional attachment. Perhaps the fleet manager has been dealing with the same dealership for years and knows the dealer on a personal basis even. It should go without saying that all these reasons are a poor way to choose a fleet vehicle. By going this route, you may at best be missing out on a better deal or vehicle for your company needs and at worst you could be adversely affecting your bottom line. It can be hard, but emotion must be left out of any decisions that you make.

2. Evaluating Your Business Fleet Requirement

Every business has its own individual needs that have to be catered for in order to work effectively. Luckily, there is such a wide variety of Subaru fleet options available to choose from that it’s likely that you will find the right vehicle. Consider the terrain that will be traversed, how much cargo space your vehicles need, the usual length of journeys that will be taken, the level of comfort required and the kind of technological features that you need. As an example, you may need an all wheel drive vehicle with cargo space and GPS if you’re business involves visiting isolated rural locations with products or samples.

3. Use Accurate Unbiased Data to Make a Decision

Once you know what features you need in your fleet there will probably be a few different vehicles that may fit the bill. A primary consideration, of course, will be cost, but don’t use this as your sole reason. Other important considerations include fuel economy, the availability of parts and maintenance costs. Many of these figures can be obtained with a little research, however, car companies have been known to massage data to their advantage. It would be advantageous to gather your own data in this regard and the best way to do this is by using a GPS fleet tracking system. Using a system like this will help in gathering all the metrics that you need on your current fleet. This will give you information on your current total cost of ownership or TCO and this can be compared to the vehicles that you’re interested in.

As you can see there are some considerations that if followed can really help when looking for fleet vehicles. If you would like to learn more about Subaru fleet vehicles for your company, contact us. We will be happy to answer any questions or queries that you may have.

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