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3 Good Reasons to Change Your Car Insurance

Car Insurance

Every driver needs to have valid car insurance, not only because it’s a legal requirement, but also to protect them in the event of an accident or theft. The price and quality of car insurance on offer can vary wildly between different insurance companies. When buying new car insurance, Perth motorists should consider their options carefully. This caution also extends to motorists that may have been using the same company for years.

1. Familiarity Breeds Contempt

Contempt is probably a strong word to use here, but there is some truth to this statement. Hunting down competitive quotes and setting up car insurance can be a hassle that most people would prefer to avoid. When faced with a renewal for car insurance, Perth Wa drivers may prefer to just stick with the same insurance company. This is a mistake as the car insurance industry changes constantly and your current premium may be more expensive than it should be. It may also be the case that due to changes in your circumstances or the insurance companies latest policies that you may not be covered adequately. It is vital that any renewal documents are scrutinised with great care to ensure that you are being treated correctly.

2. A Change of Vehicle

Buying a vehicle is a perfect time to re-evaluate your car insurance. Perth motorists purchasing a new vehicle should be especially vigilant. Sometimes new cars can come with free insurance which may be sufficient for many drivers needs. On the whole you may find that in many cases new vehicles are cheaper to insure than older models. If you have decided to purchase an older vehicle or demo car from a reputable dealership there may still be some free insurance available. This insurance period is likely to be much shorter than that offered for a new vehicle, but it should be sufficient to keep you on the road for a few months. It is worth checking with the dealership to see if this period can be extended and be sure to check out their insurance rates.

3. A Familial Change

The needs of a growing family can change drastically in a year. As an example, if you have decided to get married it may be a good idea to look into joint car insurance. Western Australia drivers can benefit a great deal financially in many cases by cancelling individual car insurance policies and choosing instead to use group insurance. This is an important consideration as you may require coverage for multiple vehicles and different drivers. This can be further complicated in the case of children that have become new drivers and now need to have a vehicle of their own or need to use an existing family car. Due to the high cost of insuring new drivers it may be that your children will have to initially be insured on your group insurance anyway. Carefully searching online for the best quotes that take all your needs into account is paramount to getting the best coverage at an affordable price.

If they would like to know more about buying quality Subaru car insurance, Perth drivers should speak to us first. We can offer you a competitive quote for insurance coverage that will provide you with the protection that you need. Contact us for more information, we will be happy to answer any questions or queries that you may have.

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